Elevando la calidad y producción científica en las ciencias biológicas y preservación de los recursos naturales.

CIBNOR: Artículos Publicados en el 2003

Revistas con Arbitraje (en Base de Datos del ISI)

Código de Colores:

Tutor del Posgrado   |   Estudiante de Doctorado 1
Estudiante de Maestría 1   |   Egresado de Posgrado-CIBNOR 2
Personal del CIBNOR   |   F.I. = Factor de Impacto de la Revista en la que se publica (ISI-2002)

1   Se toma en cuenta si la publicación fue parte de su trabajo de tesis y/o su status cuando se aceptó la publicación
2   Estudiante egresado el año inmediato anterior de alguno de nuestros Programas de Posgrado

  1. G. Aguirre-Guzmán, Y. Labreuche, D. Ansquer, B. Espiau, P. Levy, F. Ascencio, and D. Saulnier. 2003. Exotoxinas proteicas de cepas de Vibrio penaeicida y Vibrio nigripulchritudo, patogénicas de camarón. Ciencias Marinas. Vol. 29(1):77-88. (F.I. 0.403)
  2. L. Alcaraz-Meléndez, M.L. Jiménez y L. Torres. 2003. Hospedero nuevo para Corythaica carinata (Hemiptera: Tingidae) en Baja California Sur, México. Anales del Instituto de Biología (Serie Zoología). Vol. 74(2):239-242 (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACyT)
  3. Alvarez-Castañeda, S.T. and P. Cortés-Calva. 2003 Peromyscus eva. Mammalian Species, Special Publication, Journal of Mammalogy. Vol. 738:1-3. (F.I. 1.208)
  4. Alvarez-Castañeda, S.T. and P. Cortés-Calva. 2003. Peromyscus pembertoni. Mammalian Species, Special Publication, Journal of Mammalogy. Vol. 734:1-2. (F.I. 1.208)
  5. Alvarez-Castañeda, S.T. and L. Mendez. 2003 Oryzomys nelsoni. Mammalian Species, Special Publication, Journal of Mammalogy. Vol. 735:1-2. (F.I. 1.208)
  6. S.T. Alvarez-Castañeda and E. Rios. 2003. Noteworthy record of western harvest mouse (Muridae: Reithrodontomys megalotis) on the Baja California Peninsula. The Southwestern Naturalist. Vol. 48(3):471-472. (F.I. 0.385)
  7. S.T. Alvarez-Castañeda and A. Ortega-Rubio. 2003. Current status of rodents on islands in the Gulf of California. Biological Conservation. Vol. 109:157-163. (F.I. 1.783)
  8. A. Amador-Buenrostro, A. Trasviña-Castro, A. Muhlia-Melo, and M.L. Argote-Espinoza. 2003. Influence of EBES seamount and Farallon basin on coastal circulation in the Gulf of California, Mexico. Geofísica Internacional. Vol. 42(3):407-418. (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACyT)
  9. Anguas-Vélez, B.H., R. Civera-Cerecedo, E. Goytortúa-Bores y S. Rocha-Meza. 2003. Efecto de la temperatura y la densidad de cultivo sobre el crecimiento de juveniles de la cabrilla arenera, Paralabrax maculatofasciatus. Hidrobiológica. Vol. 13(4):309-315. (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACyT)
  10. Arcos, F., Ibarra, A.M., Palacios, E., Vazquez-Boucard, C., and Racotta, I.S. 2003. Feasible Predictive criteria for reproductive performance of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei: Egg quality and physiological female condition. Aquaculture. Vol. 228:335-349. (F.I. 1.367)
  11. Arcos, G.F., Ibarra A.M., Vazquez-Boucard, C., Palacios, E., and Racotta, I.S. 2003. Haemolymph metabolic variables in relation to eyestalk ablation and gonad development of Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei Boone. Aquaculture Research. Vol. 34:749-755. (F.I. 0.733)
  12. Armendáriz, S.I., Porta-Gándara, M.A., Bautista, G. y Foster, R. 2003. Comportamiento isotérmico de la precipitación salina de un destilador solar experimental. Revista de la Sociedad Química de México. Vol. 47(3):287-294. (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACYT)
  13. Arnaud-Haond, S., M. Monteforte, F. Blanc, and F. Bonhomme. 2003. Evidence for male-biased effective sex ratio and recent step-by-step colonization in the bivalve Pinctada mazatlanica. J. Evol. Biol. Vol. 16:790-796. (F.I. 2.658)
  14. Arreola-Lizárraga, J.A., L.G. Hernández-Moreno, S. Hernández-Vázquez, F.J. Flores-Verdugo, C. Lechuga-Devéze, and A. Ortega-Rubio. 2003. Ecology of Callinectes arcuatus and C. bellicosus (Decapoda: Portunidae) in a coastal lagoon of northwest Mexico. Crustaceana. Vol. 76(6):651-664. (F.I. 0.395)
  15. Bacilio M., Vazquez P., and Bashan Y. 2003. Alleviation of noxious effects of cattle ranch composts on wheat seed germination by inoculation with Azospirillum spp. Biology and Fertility of Soils. Vol. 38:261-266. (F.I. 1.242)
  16. Bacilio-Jiménez, M., S. Aguilar-Flores, E. Ventura-Zapata, E. Pérez-Campos, S. Bouquelet, E. Zenteno. 2003. Chemical characterization of root exudates from rice (Oryza sativa) and their effects on the chemotactic response of endophytic bacteria. Plant and Soil. Vol. 249(2):271-277. (F.I. 1.290)
  17. Band-Schmidt, C.J., C.H. Lechuga-Devéze, D.M. Kulis, and D.M. Anderson. 2003. Culture Studies of Alexandrium affine (Dinophyceae), a Non-Toxic Cyst Forming Dinoflagellate from Bahía Concepción, Gulf of California. Botanica Marina. Vol. 46:44-54. (F.I. 0.976)
  18. Barrios-Ruiz, D., J. Chávez-Villalba, and C. Cáceres-Martínez. 2003. Growth of Nodipecten subnodosus (Bivalvia: Pectinidae) in La Paz Bay, Mexico. Aquaculture Research. Vol. 34:633-639. (F.I. 0.733)
  19. Beltrán Morales, L.F., F. García-Rodríguez, J. Borges Contreras, G. Sánchez-Mota, and A. Ortega Rubio. 2003. Environmental and socioeconomic multivariate analysis of the primary economic sector of Mexico. Sustainable Development. Vol. 11(2):77-83. (Revista nueva en la base de datos del ISI. No muestra su factor de impacto)
  20. Brito-Castillo, L., S. Díaz-Castro, C. A. Salinas-Zavala, and A. V. Douglas. 2003. Reconstruction of long-term winter streamflow in the Gulf of California continental watershed. J. Hydrology, Vol. 278(1-4): 39-50. (F.I. 1.272)
  21. L. Brito-Castillo, A.V. Douglas, A. Leyva-Contreras, and D. Lluch-Belda. 2003. The effect of large-scale circulation on precipitation and streamflow in the Gulf of California continental watershed. Int. J. Climatology, Vol. 23(7): 751-768. (F.I. 1.559)
  22. Calderón-Aguilera, L.E., S.G. Marinone, and E.A. Aragón-Noriega. 2003. Influence of oceanographic processes on the early life stages of the blue shrimp (Litopenaeus stylirostris) in the Upper Gulf of California. Journal of Marine Systems. Vol. 39:117-128. (F.I. 1.624)
  23. R. Campos-Ramos, S.C. Harvey, B.J. McAndrew, and D.J. Penman. 2003. An investigation of sex determination in the Mozambique tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus, using synaptonemal complex analysis, FISH, sex reversal and gynogenesis. Aquaculture. Vol. 221:125-140. (F.I. 1.367)
  24. Campos-Ramos, R., A.M. Maeda-Martínez, H. Obregón-Barboza, G. Murugan, D.A. Guerrero-Tortolero, and P. Monsalvo-Spencer. 2003. Mixture of parthenogenetic and zygogenetic brine shrimp Artemia (Branchiopoda: Anostraca) in commercial cyst lots from Great Lake, UT, USA. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. Vol. 296:243-251. (F.I. 1.790)
  25. M.C. Casas Valdez, E. Serviere Zaragoza, D. Lluch Belda, R. Marcos, and R. Aguilera Ramirez. 2003. Effect of climatic change on the harvest of the kelp Macrocystis pyrifera on the mexican pacific coast. Bulletin of Marine Science. Vol. 73(3):545-556. (F.I. 0.826)
  26. Ceballos-Váquez, B.P., C. Rosas, and I.S. Racotta. 2003. Sperm quality in relation to age and weight of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Aquaculture. Vol. 228:141-151. (F.I. 1.367)
  27. Chavez, F.P., J. Ryan, S.E. Lluch-Cota, M. Ñiquen C. 2003. From anchovies to sardines and back: multidecadal change in the Pacific Ocean. Science. Vol. 299:217-221. (F.I. 28.956)
  28. J. Chávez-Villalba, J-C Cochard, M. LePennec, J. Barret, M. Enríquez-Díaz, and C. Cáceres-Martínez. 2003. Effects of temperature and feeding regimes on gametogenesis and larval production in the oyster Crassostrea gigas. Journal of Shellfish Research. Vol. 22(3):721-731. (F.I. 0.611)
  29. J. Chávez-Villalba, J. Barret, C. Mingant, J-C Cochard, and M. LePennec. 2003. Influence of timing of broodstock collection on conditioning, oocyte production, and larval rearing of the oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Thurnberg), at six production sites in France. Journal of Shellfish Research. Vol. 22(2):465-474. (F.I. 0.611)
  30. Córdova-Murueta, J.H., F.L. Garcí-Carreño, and M. de los A. Navarrete-del-Toro. 2003. Digestive enzymes present in crustacean feces as a tool for biochemical, physiological, and ecological studies. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. Vol. 297:43-56. (F.I. 1.790)
  31. Cortés-Altamirano, R. and A.P. Sierra-Beltrán. 2003. Morphology and taxonomy of Prorocentrum mexicanum and reistatement of Prorocentrum rhathymum (Dinophyceae). J Phycol. Vol. 39:221-225. (F.I. 2.174)
  32. Cortés-Calva, P. and S.T. Alvarez-Castañeda. 2003. Rodent density anomalies in scrub vegetation areas as a response to ENSO 1997-98 in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Geofísica Internacional. Vol. 42(3):547-551. (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACyT)
  33. Cortés-Jacinto, E., H. Villarreal-Colmenares, R. Civera-Cerecedo, and R. Martínez-Córdova. 2003. Effect of dietary protein level on growth and survival of juvenile freshwater crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (Decapoda: Parastacidae). Aquaculture Nutrition. Vol. 9:207-213 (F.I. 0.887)
  34. Cortés-Jacinto, E., H. Villarreal-Colmenares y M. Rendón-Romualdo. 2003. Efecto de la frecuencia alimenticia en el crecimiento y sobrevivencia de juveniles de langosta de agua dulce Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868) (Decapoda: Parastacidae). Hidrobiologica. Vol. 13(2):151-158. (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACyT)
  35. Cruz, P., A.M. Ibarra, H. Mejía-Ruiz, P.M. Gaffney, and R. Pérez-Enríquez. 2003. Genetic variability assessed by microsatellites in a breeding program of Pacific White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Marine Biotechnology. Vol. 5:Online Issue (F.I. 0.994)
  36. R. Domínguez-Cadena, A. Guillén-Trujillo, J.L. León-de la Luz y B. Murillo-Amador. 2003. Estimación y disponibilidad forrajera de arbustos en Baja California Sur, México. Interciencia. Vol. 28(4):229-233. (F.I. 0.125 )
  37. Enríquez-Díaz, M., C. Cáceres-Martínez, J. Chávez-Villalba, G. Le Pennec, and M. Le Pennec. 2003. Gametogenesis of Atrina maura (Bivalve: Pinnidae) under artificial conditions. Invertebrate Reproduction and Development. Vol. 43(2):151-161. (F.I. 0.384)
  38. Flores-Hernández, A., J.A. Villegas-Monter, B. Murillo-Amador, J.A. Larrinaga-Mayoral, J.L. García-Hernández. 2003. Cultivo de células de nopal (Opuntia spp) en suspensión. Phyton. Vol. 2003:143-155. (I.F. 0.175)
  39. Frías-Espericueta, M.G., D. Voltolina, and J.L. Osuna-López. 2003. Acute toxicity of copper, zinc, iron, and manganese and of the mixtures copper-zinc and iron-manganese to whiteleg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei postlarvae. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. Vol. 71:68-74. (F.I. 0.556)
  40. Galina-Tessaro, P., A. Castellanos-Vera, E. Troyo D., G. Arnaud F., and A. Ortega. 2003. Lizard assemblages in the Vizcaino Biosphere Reserve, Mexico. Biodiversity and Conservation. Vol. 12:1321-1334. (F.I. 0.781)
  41. Galván-Piña, V.H., F. Galván-Magaña, L.A. Abitia-Cárdenas, F.J. Gutiérrez-Sánchez, and J. Rodríguez-Romero. 2003. Seasonal structure of fish assemblages in rocky and sandy habitats in Bahía de La Paz, Mexico. Bulletin of Marine Science. Vol. 72(1):19-35. (F.I. 0.826)
  42. F.L. García-Carreño, M.A. Navarrete del Toro, and E. Serviere-Zaragoza. 2003. Digestive enzymes in juvenile green abalone, Haliotis fulgens, fed natural food. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B. Vol. 134:143-150. (I.F. 1.195)
  43. García-Guerrero, M.U., M.E. Hendrickx and H. Villarreal-Colmenares. 2003. Description of the embryonic development of Cherax quadricarinatus (Von Martens, 1868) (Decapoda, Parastacidae), based on the staging method. Crustaceana. Vol. 76(3):269-280. (F.I. 0.395)
  44. García-Guerrero, M., I.S. Racotta, C. Rodríguez-Jaramillo, H. Villarreal, and E. Cortés-Jacinto. 2003. Energy storage during the transition from endogenous to exogenous feeding in Australian redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (Von Martens, 1898). Invertebrate Reproduction and Development. Vol. 44(2-3):101-106. (F.I. 0.384)
  45. García-Guerrero, M., H. Villarreal, and I.S. Racotta. 2003. Effect of temperature on lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates levels during development from egg extrusion to juvenile stage of Cherax quadricarinatus (Decapoda: Parastacidae). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A. Vol. 135:147-154. (F.I. 1.274)
  46. García-Hernández, J.L., L.F. Beltrán-Morales, J.G. Loya-Ramírez, J.R. Morales-Cota, E. Troyo-Diéguez y F.A. Beltrán-Morales. 2003. Primer informe del Rhynchophorus palmarum (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae) en Baja California Sur. Folia Entomológica Mexicana. Vol. 42(3):415-417. (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACyT)
  47. García-Ulloa, G.M., H.M. López-Chavarín, H. Rodríguez-González, and H. Villarreal-Colmenares. 2003. Growth of redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (Von Martens 1868) (Decapoda: Parastacidae) juveniles fed isoproteic diets with partial or total substitution of fish meal by soya bean meal: preliminary study. Aquaculture Nutrition. Vol. 9:25-31. (F.I. 0.887)
  48. Gardner, S.C., M. Dawn Pier, R. Wesselman, and J.A. Juárez. 2003. Organochlorine contaminants in sea turtles from the Eastern Pacific. Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 46:1082-1089. (F.I. 1.602)
  49. Gardner, S.C. and U. Varanasi. 2003. Isovaleric acid accumulation in odontocete melon during development. Naturawissenschaften. Vol. 90:528-531. (F.I. 1.693)
  50. V.M. Gómez-Muñoz and M.A. Porta-Gándara. 2003. General model to build awnings and external walls with optimum shading interaction. Renewable Energy. Vol. 29:605-613. (F.I. 0.306)
  51. V.M. Gómez-Muñoz and M.A. Porta-Gándara. 2003. Simplified architectural method for the solar control optimization of awnings and external walls in houses in hot and dry climates (technical note). Renewable Energy. Vol. 28:111-128. (F.I. 0.306)
  52. V.M. Gómez-Muñoz, M.A. Porta-Gándara, and C. Heard. 2003. Solar Performance of Hemispherical vault roofs. Building and Environment. Vol. 38:1431-1438. (F.I. 0.554)
  53. González-Castillo, C. R. Rubio, and T. Zenteno-Savín. 2003. Coronary flor-induced inotropism in modulated by binding of dextrans to the endothelian luminar surface. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. Vol. 284:1348-1357. (F.I. 3.369)
  54. González O., H.A., L.F. Beltrán, C. Cáceres-Martínez, H. Ramírez, S. Hernández-Vázquez, E. Troyo-Diéguez, and A. Ortega-Rubio. 2003. Sustainability development analysis of semi-intensive shrimp farms in Sonora, México. Sustainable Development. Vol. 11(4):213-222. (Revista nueva en la base de datos del ISI. No muestra su factor de impacto)
  55. Gracia López, V. and F. Castelló-Orvay. 2003. Preliminary data on the culture of juveniles of the dusky grouper Epinepholus marginatus (Lowe, 1834). Hidrobiologica. Vol. 13(4):321-327. (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACyT)
  56. Gracia-López, V., T. García-Galano, G. Gaxiola-Cortés, J. Pacheco-Campos. 2003. Efecto del nivel de proteína en la dieta y alimentos comerciales sobre el crecimiento y la alimentación en juveniles del robalo blanco, Cetropomus undecimalis (Bloch, 1792). Ciencias Marinas. Vol. 29(4B):585-594. (F.I. 0.403)
  57. Grajales-Tam, K.M., R. Rodríguez-Estrella y J. Cancino-Hernández. 2003. Dieta estacional del coyote Canis latrans durante el periodo 1996-1997 en el desierto de Vizcaíno, Baja California Sur, México. Acta Zoológica Mexicana (Nueva Serie). Vol. 89:17-28. (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACyT)
  58. Guerrero-Cárdenas, I., I. Tovar-Zamora y S. Alvarez-Cárdenas. 2003. Factores que afectan la distribución espacial del borrego cimarrón Ovis canadensis weemsi en la Sierra del Mechudo, B.C.S., México. Anales del Instituto de Biología. Vol. 74(1):83-98. (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACyT)
  59. D.A. Guerrero-Tortolero, M.J.R. Porter, and N.R. Bromage. 2003. The effects of different daytime light intensities on the diel patterns of plasma melatonin in fingerling and broodstock rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. Vol. 28:415-416. (F.I. 0.920)
  60. Guzmán del Próo, S.A., T. Reynoso-Granados, P. Monsalvo-Spencer, and E. Serviere-Zaragoza. 2003. Larval and Early Juvenile Development of the Wavy Turban Snail, Megastraea undosa (Wood, 1828) (Gastropoda: Turbinidae). The Veliger. Vol. 46(4):320-324. (F.I. 0.528)
  61. Harvey S.C., Boonphakdee, C., Campos-Ramos, R., Ezaz, M.T., Griffin, D.K., Bromage, N.R. and Penman, D.J. 2003. Analysis of repetitive DNA sequences in the sex chromosomes of Oreochromis niloticus. Cytogenetic and Genome Research (Formerly Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics). Vol. 101:314-319. (F.I. 1.270)
  62. Hernández-Lopez, J., T. Gollas-Galvan, S. Gómez-Jímenez, G. Portillo-Clark, and F. Vargas-Albores. 2003. In the spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus) the prophenoloxidase is located in plasma not in haemocytes. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. Vol. 14:105-114. (F.I. 1.851)
  63. Hernández-Lopez, J. and F. Vargas-Albores. 2003. A microplate technique to quantify nutrients (NO2- , NO3- , NO4+ and PO3-4 ) in seawater. Aquaculture Research. Vol. 34:1201-1204. (F.I. 0.733)
  64. Hernández-Saavedra, N.Y. 2003. Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase in Rhodotorula and Udeniomyces spp. isolated from sea water: cloning and sequencing the encoding region. Yeast. Vol. 20:479-492. (F.I. 2.340)
  65. Herrera-Ulloa, A.F., A.T. Charles, S.E. Lluch-Cota, H. Ramírez-Aguirre, S. Hernández-Vázquez, and A. Ortega-Rubio. 2003. A regional-scale sustainable development index: the case of Baja California Sur, Mexico. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. Vol. 10(4):353-360. (F.I. 0.652)
  66. Herrera-Ulloa, A.F., S. Lluch-Cota, H. Ramírez-Aguirre, S. Hernández-Vázquez, and A. Ortega-Rubio. 2003. Sustainable performance of the tourist industry in the state of Baja California Sur, Mexico. Interciencia. Vol. 28(5):268-272. (F.I. 0.125)
  67. Holguin, G. and B.R. Glick. 2003. Transformation of Azospirillum brasilense Cd with an ACC Deaminase Gene from Enterobacter cloacae UW4 Fused to the Tetr Gene Promoter Improves Its Fitness and Plant Growth Promoting Ability. Microbial Ecology. Vol. 46:122-133. (F.I. 2.667)
  68. Holguín-Peña, R.J., R. Vázquez-Juárez, and R.F. Rivera-Bustamante. 2003. First Report of a Geminivirus Associated with Leaf Curl in Baja California Peninsula Tomato Fields. Plant Disease. 87(11):1397. (F.I. 1.429)
  69. Jiménez, M.L., J. Llinas, and C. Palacios. 2003. Infection rates in Dipetalogaster maximus (Reduviidae: Triatominae) by Trypanosoma cruzi in the Cape Region, Baja California Sur, Mexico. J. Med. Entomol. Vol. 40(1):18-21. (F.I. 1.137)
  70. C. Kaya, D. Higgs, F. Ince, B. Murillo-Amador, A. Cakir, and E. Sakar. 2003. Ameliorative Effects of Patassium Phosphate on Salt-Stressed Pepper and Cucumber. Journal of Plant Nutrition. Vol. 26(4):807-820. (F.I. 0.593)
  71. A.P. Klimley, S.J. Jorgesen, A. Muhlia-Melo, and S.C. Beavers. 2003. The ocurrence of yellowfish tuna (Thunnus albacares) at Espiritu Santo Seamount in the Gulf of California. Fish. Bull. Vol. 101:684-692. (F.I. 0.934)
  72. León de la Luz, J.L., J.P. Rebman, and T. Oberbauer. 2003. On the urgency of conservation on Guadalupe Island, Mexico: is it a lost paradise?. Biodiversity and Conservation. Vol. 12:1073-1082. (F.I. 0.781)
  73. Liñán-Cabello, M.A., J. Paniagua-Michel, and T. Zenteno-Savín. 2003. Carotenoids and retinal levels in captive and wild shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Aquaculture Nutrition. Vol. 9:383-389. (F.I. 0.887)
  74. Liu, X., S.M. Tiquia, G. Holguin, L. Wu, S.C. Nold, A.H. Devol, K. Luo, A.V. Palumbo, J.M. Tiedje, and J. Zhou. 2003. Molecular Diversity of Denitrifying Genes in Continental Margin Sediments within the Oxygen-Deficient Zone off the Pacific Coast of Mexico. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Vol. 69(6):3549-3560. (F.I. 3.691)
  75. Lluch-Belda, D., D.B. Lluch-Cota, and S.E. Lluch-Cota. 2003. Scales of interannual variability in the California Current System: Associated physical mechanisms and likely ecological impacts. CalCOFi Rep. Vol. 44:76-85. (F.I. 0.769)
  76. López-Aguilar, R., A. Orduño-Cruz, A. Lucero-Arce, B. Murillo-Amador, and E. Troyo-Diéguez. 2003. Response to salinity of three grain legumes for potential cultivation in arid areas. Soil Science Plant Nutr. Vol. 49(3):329-336. (F.I. 0.688)
  77. R. López-A, E. Villavicencio-Floriani, M.A. Real-Rosas, J.L. Ramírez-Barajas y B. Murillo-Amador. 2003. Macronutrimentos en suelos de desierto con potencial agrícola. Terra. Vol. 21(3):333-340. (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACyT)
  78. López-Cortés, A. and Maya, Y. 2003. Cryptobiotic cyanobacteria: an alternative in organic agriculture. Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. Vol. 148:387-394. (F.I. 1.186)
  79. López-Cortés, D.J., J.J. Bustillos-Guzmán, I. Gárate-Lizárraga, F.E. Hernández-Sandoval and I. Murillo-Murillo. 2003. Phytoplankton biomasses and hydrographic conditions during El Niño 1997-98 in Bahía Concepción, Gulf of California, Mexico. Geofísica Internacional. Vol. 42(3):495-504. (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACyT)
  80. Lopez Cortés, D.J., I. Gárate LIzárraga, J.J. Bustillos Guzmán, R. Alonso Rodríguez e I. Murillo Murillo. 2003. Variabilidad del estado trófico y la biomasa del fitoplancton de Bahía Concepción, Golfo de California (1997-1999). Hidrobiologica. Vol. 13(3):195-206. (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACyT)
  81. López Elías, J.A., D. Voltolina, C.O. Chavira Ortega, B.B. Rodríguez Rodríguez, L.M. Saenz Gaxiola, B. Cordero Esquivel, and M.Nieves. 2003. Mass production of microalgae in six commercial shrimp hatcheries of the Mexican northwest. Aquacultural Engineering. Vol. 29:155-164. (F.I. 0.532)
  82. López-López, S., H. Nolasco, and F. Vega-Villasante. 2003. Characterization of digestive gland esterase-lipase activity of juvenile redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. Comp Biochem Physiol B. Vol. 135:337-347. (F.I. 1.195)
  83. López-Martínez, J., F. Arreguín-Sánchez, S. Hernández-Vázquez, A.R. García-Juárez, and W. Valenzuela-Quiñonez. Internannual variation of growth of the brown shrimp Farfantepenaeus californiensis and its relation to temperature. Fisheries Research. Vol. 61(1-3):95-105. (F.I. 1.079)
  84. Lora-Vilchis, M.C., P. Saucedo-Lastra, C. Rodríguez-Jaramillo, and A.N. Maeda-Martínez. 2003. Histological characterization of the spawning process in the catarina scallop, Argopecten ventricosus (Sowerby II, 1842) induced by thermal shock and serotonin injection. Invertebrate Reproduction and Development. Vol. 44(2-3):79-88. (F.I. 0.384)
  85. Loya-Ramírez, J.G., J.L. García-Hernández, J.J. Ellington y D.V. Thompson. 2003. Impacto de la asociación de cultivos en la densidad de insectos hemipteros entomofagos. INTERCIENCIA. Vol. 28(7):415-420. (F.I. 0.125)
  86. Luna-González, A., Maeda-Martínez, A.N., Vargas-Albores, F., Ascencio-Valle, F., and Robles-Mungaray, M. 2003. Phenoloxidase activity in larval and juvenile homogenates and adult plasma and haemocytes of bivalve mollusks. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 15(4):275-282. (F.I. 1.851)
  87. Major III, W.W., C.E. Grue, S.C. Gardner, and J.M. Grassley. 2003. Concentrations of Glyphosate and AMPA in Sediment Following Operational Applications of Rodeo® to Control Smooth Cordgrass in Willapa Bay, Washington, USA. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. Vol. 71:912-918. (F.I. 0.556)
  88. Maldonado, R., Ibarra, A.M., and Ramirez J.L. 2003. Induction to tetraploidy in catarina scallop, Argopecten ventricosus (Sowerby II, 1842). Ciencias Marinas. Vol. 29(2):229-238. (F.I. 0.403)
  89. Martínez-Córdova, L., Campaña-Torres, A., and Porchas-Cornejo, M. 2003. Dietary protein level and natural food management in the culture of blue (Litopenaeus stylirostris) and white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in microcosms. Aquaculture Nutrition. Vol. 9(3):155-160. (F.I. 0.887)
  90. Morquecho, L. and C.H. Lechuga-Devéze. 2003. Dinoflagellate cysts in recent sediments from Bahía Concepción, Gulf of California. Botanica Marina. Vol. 46:132-141. (F.I. 0.976)
  91. Muhlia-Almazan, A., F.L. García-Carreño, J.A. Sánchez-Paz, G. Yepiz-Plascencia, A.B. Peregrino-Uriarte. 2003. Effects of dietary protein on the activity an mRNA level of trypsin in the midgut gland of the white shrimp Penaeus vannamei. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B. Vol. 135:373-383. (F.I. 1.195)
  92. Muhlia-Almazan, A., Muhlia-Melo, A. and Alcaraz, Z. G. 2003. Responses to temperature and salinity by white mullet Mugil curema: possible explanation for the population decrease in Baja California Sur. Marine and Fresh Water Behavior and Physiology. Vol. 36(3):176-185. (F.I. 0.306)
  93. A. Muhlia-Melo, D.A. Guerrero-Tortolero, J.C. Perez-Urbiola, and R. Campos-Ramos. 2004. Results of spontaneous spawning of yellow snapper (Lutjanus argentiventris Peters, 1869) reared in inland ponds in La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. Vol. 28:511-512. (F.I. 0.920)
  94. Muhlia-Melo, A., P. Klimley, R. González-Armas, S. Jorgensen, A. Trasviña-Castro, J. Rodríguez-Romero, and A. Amador Buenrostro. 2003. Pelagic fish assemblages at the Espiritu Santo seamount in the Gulf of California during El Niño 1997-1998 and non-El Niño conditions. Geofísica Internacional. Vol. 42(3):473-481. (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACyT)
  95. B. North, M. Porter, V. Crampton, D. Guerrero-Tortolero, and N. Bromage. 2003. Seasonality of oocyte development and pigmentation in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. Vol. 28:513-514. (F.I. 0.920)
  96. Ocampo, L., D. Patiño, and C. Ramírez. 2003. Effect to temperature on hemolymph lactate and glucose concentrations in spiny lobster Panulirus interruptus during progressive hypoxia. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. Vol. 296:71-77. (F.I. 1.790)
  97. Ocampo, L., C. Rosas, and H. Villarreal. 2003. Effect of temperature on post-prandial metabolism of brown shrimp Farfantepenaeus californiensis. Journal of Shellfish Research. Vol. 22(1):281-284. (F.I. 0.611)
  98. J.L. Ochoa. 2003. ENSO phenomenon and toxic red tides in Mexico. Geofisica Int. Vol. 42:505-515. (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACyT)
  99. J.L. Ochoa, E. Núñez-Vázquez, and J. Saad. 2003. Diferentes términos utilizados para describir las ¨mareas rojas¨. Rev. Biol. Trop. Vol. 51(3-4):621-628. (F.I. 0.107)
  100. Ortega-García, S., A. Klett-Traulsen, and G. Ponce-Díaz. 2003. Analysis of sportfishing catch rates of striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax) at Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, México, and their relation to sea surface temperature. Marine and Freshwater Research. Vol. 54:483-488. (F.I. 0.588)
  101. Palacios, E. and I.S. Racotta. 2003. Effect of number of spawns on the resulting spawn quality of 1-year-old pond-reared Penaeus vannamei (Boone) broodstock. Aquaculture Research. Vol. 34:427-435. (F.I. 0.733)
  102. Palacios, E., I.S. Racotta, and M. Villalejo. 2003. Assessment of ovarian development and its relation to mating in wild and pond-reared Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp in a commercial hatchery. World Aquaculture. Vol. 34:466-477. (F.I. 0.590)
  103. Palomares-García, R., A. Martínez-López, R. De Silva-Dávila, R. Funes-Rodríguez, M.A. Carballido-Carranza, R. Avendaño-Ibarra, A. Hinojosa-Medina and G.A. López-Ibarra. 2003. Biological effects of El Niño 1997-98 on a shallow subtropical ecosystem: Bahía Magdalena, Mexico. Geofísica Internacional. Vol. 42(3):455-466. (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACyT)
  104. Pérez-Linares, J., M. Cadena, C. Rangel, M.-L. Unzueta-Bustamente, and J.L. Ochoa. 2003. Effect of Schizothrix calcicola on white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (Penaeus vannamei) postlarvae. Aquaculture. Vol. 218(1-4):55-65. (F.I. 1.367)
  105. Pérez-Rostro, C.I. and Ibarra, A.M. 2003. Heritabilities and genetic correlations of size traits at harvest size in sexually dimorphic Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) grown in two environments. Aquaculture Research. Vol 34(12):1079-1085. (F.I. 0.733)
  106. Pérez-Rostro C.I. and Ibarra A.M. 2003. Quantitative genetic parameter estimates for size and growth rate traits in Pacific white shrimp, Penaeus vannamei (Boone 1931) when reared indoors. Aquaculture Research. Vol 34(7):543-553 (F.I. 0.733)
  107. Ponce-Díaz, G., S.E. Lluch-Cota, J.J. Bautista-Romero, D. Lluch-Belda. 2003. Caracterización multiescala de la temperatura del mar en una zona de bancos de abulón (Haliotis spp.) en Bahía Asunción, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Ciencias Marinas. Vol. 29(3):291-303. (F.I. 0.403)
  108. Ponce-Díaz, G., S. Ortega-García, and S. Hernández-Vázquez. 2003. Lunar phase and catch success of the striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax) in sport fishing at Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Rev. Biol. Trop. Vol. 51(2):555-560. (F.I. 0.107)
  109. Racotta, I.S., E. Palacios, and A.M. Ibarra. 2003. Shrimp larval quality in relation to broodstock condition. Aquaculture. Vol. 227:107-130. (F.I. 1.367)
  110. Racotta, I.S., J.L. Ramírez, A.M. Ibarra, M.C. Rodríguez-Jaramillo, D. Carreño, E. Palacios. 2003. Growth and gametogenesis in the lion-paw scallop Nodipecten (Lyropecten) subnodosus. Aquaculture. Vol. 217:335-349. (F.I. 1.367)
  111. Rodríguez-Estrella, R. and A. Peláez-Careaga. 2003. The western screech-owl and habitat alteration in Baja California: a gradient from urban and rural landscape to natural habitat. Can. J. Zool. Vol. 81:916-922. (F.I. 1.175)
  112. Rueda-Puente, E., T. Castellanos, E. Troyo-Diéguez, J.L. Díaz de León-Alvarez, and B. Murillo-Amador. 2003. Effects of Nitrogen-Fixing Indigenous Bacterium (Klebsiella pneumoniae) on the Growth and Development of the Halophyte Salicornia bigelovii as a New Crop for Saline Environments. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. Vol. 189(5):323-332. (F.I. 0.320)
  113. Salinas-Zavala, C.A. and D.B. Lluch-Cota. 2003. Relationships between ENSO and winter-wheat yields in Sonora, Mexico. Geofísica Internacional. Vol. 42(3):341-350. (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACyT)
  114. A. Sánchez-Paz, F. García-Carreño, A. Muhlia-Almazán, N.Y. Hernández-Saavedra, G. Yepiz-Plascencia. 2003. Differential expression of trypsin mRNA in the white shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) midgut gland under starvation conditions. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. Vol. 292:1-17. (F.I. 1.790)
  115. V. Serrano-Pinto, C. Vazquez-Boucard, and H. Villarreal-Colmenares. 2003. Yolk proteins during ovary and egg development of mature female freshwater crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology. Vol. 134(1):33-43. (F.I. 1.274)
  116. E. Serviere-Zaragoza, V.C. García-Hernández, and D.A. Siqueiros-Beltrones. 2003. Diversity and distribution of macroalgae associated with abalone (Haliotis spp.) habitats in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Bulletin of Marine Science. Vol. 72(3):725-739. (F.I. 0.826)
  117. Sotelo-Mundo R.R., M.A. Islas-Osuna, E. de la Re-Vega, J. Hernández-López, F. Vargas-Albores, and G. Yepiz-Plascencia. 2003. cDNA cloning of the lysozyme of the white shrimp Penaeus vannamei. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. Vol. 15:325-331. (F.I. 1.851)
  118. A. Trasviña-Castro, G. Gutierrez de Velasco, A. Valle-Levinson, R. González-Armas, A. Muhlia-Melo, and M.A. Cosio. 2003. Hydrographic observations of the flow in the vicinity of a shallow seamount top in the Gulf of California. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. Vol. 57:149-162. (F.I. 1.201)
  119. Vázquez Boucard, C., H. Mejía Ruiz, F. Zamudio, V. Serrano Pinto, and H. Nolasco Soria. 2003. Isolation and molecular characterization of vitellin from the mature ovaries of prawn Litopenaeus vannamei. Journal of Shellfish Research. Vol. 22(3):887-892. (F.I. 0.611)
  120. R.C. Vázquez-Juárez, H.A. Barrera-Saldaña, N.Y. Hernández-Saavedra, M. Gómez-Chiarri, and F. Ascencio. 2003. Molecular cloning, sequencing and characterization of omp48, the gene encoding for an antigenic outer membrane protein from Aeromonas veronii. Journal of Applied Microbiology. Vol. 94:908-918. (F.I. 1.819)
  121. Villarreal, H., A. Hernández-Llamas, and R. Hewitt. 2003. Effect of salinity on growth, survival and oxygen consumption of juvenile brown shrimp, Farfantepenaeus californiensis (Holmes). Aquaculture Research. Vol. 34:187-193. (I.F. 0.733)
  122. Villarruel, A., L.E. Garay, H.M. Zepeda, G. Aparicio, A. Castillo, F. Ascencio, and M.A. Torres-Vitela. 2003. Adherence and invasiveness of Arcobacter butzleri. International Journal of Medical Microbiology. Vol. 293(35):I-40. (F.I. 2.403)
  123. Zarain-Herzberg, M., Hernández-Saavedra, N., and F. Ascencio-Valle. 2003. Biological characterization of a less virulent taura syndrome in pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (Crustacea: Decapoda): Gross signs, histopathological lesions, and mortalities. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. Vol. 34(1):99-105. (F.I. 0.590)
