Elevando la calidad y producción científica en las ciencias biológicas y preservación de los recursos naturales.

CIBNOR: Artículos Publicados en 2002

Revistas con Arbitraje (en Base de Datos del ISI)

Código de Colores:

Tutor del Posgrado   |   Estudiante de Doctorado 1
Estudiante de Maestría 1   |   Egresado de Posgrado-CIBNOR 2
Personal del CIBNOR   |   F.I. = Factor de Impacto de la Revista en la que se publica (ISI-2001)

1   Se toma en cuenta si la publicación fue parte de su trabajo de tesis y/o su status cuando se aceptó la publicación
2   Estudiante egresado el año inmediato anterior de alguno de nuestros Programas de Posgrado

  1. L.A. Abitía-Cárdenas, A. Muhlia-Melo, V. Cruz-Escalona and F. Galván-Magaña.2002. Trophic dynamics and seasonal energetics of striped marlin Tetrapturus audax in the southern Gulf of California, Mexico. Fisheries Research. 57(3):287-295. (F.I. 0.876)
  2. Aguirre-Guzmán, G., R. Vázquez-Juárez and F. Ascencio. 2002. Differences in the susceptibility of American white shrimp larvae substages (Litopenaeus vannamei) to four Vibrio species. J. Invert. Pathol. Vol. 78:215-219. (F.I. 1.142)
  3. Alcaraz-Meléndez, L., S. Real-Cosío, and J.M.l Guerra-Sanz. 2002. Somaclonal variation in plants of oregano (Lippia palmeri, Watts.) regenerated from calli. Phyton. Vol. 2002:239-248. (F.I. 0.117)
  4. L. Alcaraz-Meléndez, S. Real-Cosío, and M.L. Robert. 2002. Morphological comparison of damiana (Turnera diffusa, Willd.) regenerated in vitro from leaves cultured in solidified medium and liquid cultures. Scientia Horticulturae. Vol. 96(1-4):293-301. (F.I. 0.543)
  5. Alvarez-Castañeda, S.T. 2002. Noteworthy record of the kit fox (Mammalia: canidae: Vulpex velox macrotis) in Vizcaino Desert, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Western N. America Naturalist. Vol. 62:127-128. (F.I.   )
  6. S.T. Alvarez-Castañeda. 2002. Predation on desert mammals by Lanius ludovicianus (Laniidae). The Southwestern Naturalist. Vol. 47(4):628-630. (F.I. 0.231)
  7. Alvarez-Castañeda, S.T. and P. Cortés-Calva. 2002. Extirpation of baileys pocket mouse Chaetodipus baileyl fornicatus (heteromydae mammalian), from isla Monserrat Baja California Sur, México. Western North American Naturalist. Vol. 62(4):196-197. (F.I. 0 )
  8. S.T. Alvarez-Castañeda and P. Cortés-Calva. 2002. Peromyscus hooperi. Mammalian Species. No. 709:1-3. (F.I. 1.352)
  9. S.T. Alvarez-Castañeda and P. Cortés-Calva. 2002. Peromyscus slevini. Mammalian Species. No. 705:1-2. (F.I. 1.352)
  10. Aragón Noriega, E.A. y A.R. García Juárez. 2002. Reclutamiento de postlarvas de camarón azul Litopenaeus stylirostris (Stimpson, 1871) a condiciones antiestuarinas provocadas por actividades antropogénicas. Hidrobiológica. Vol. 12(1):37-46. (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACyT)
  11. Bashan, Y. and de-Bashan, L.E. 2002. Protection of tomato seedlings against infection by Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato by using the plant growth-promoting bacterium Azospirillum brasilense. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Vol. 68:2637-2643 (F.I. 3.389)
  12. Bashan, Y. and de-Bashan, L.E. 2002. Reduction of bacterial speck (Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato) of tomato by combined treatments of plant growth-promoting bacterium, Azospirillum brasilense, streptomycin sulfate, and chemo-thermal seed treatment. European Journal of Plant Pathology. Vol. 108:821-829 (F.I 1.090)
  13. Bashan, Y., Hernandez, J.P., Leyva, L.A., and Bacilio, M. 2002. Alginate microbeads as inoculant carrier for plant growth-promoting bacteria. Biology and Fertility of Soils. Vol. 35:359-368 (F.I. 1.307)
  14. Bashan, Y. and Holguin, G. 2002. Plant growth-promoting bacteria: a potential tool for arid mangrove reforestation. Trees. Vol. 16:159-166 (F.I. 1.122)
  15. Bashan, Y., Li, C.Y., Moreno, M., Lebsky, V.K. and de-Bashan, L.E. 2002. Primary colonization of volcanic rocks by plants in arid Baja California, Mexico. Plant Biology. Vol. 4:392-402 (F.I. 1.215)
  16. Beltrán Morales, L.F. 2002. Consumo sustentable como derecho-obligación para disfrutar de un medio ambiente sano. Región y Sociedad. Vol. 14(23):193-198. (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACyT)
  17. L.F. Beltrán-Morales, A. J. Borges-Contreras, M. Lagunas, H. González-Ocampo, and A. Ortega-Rubio. 2002. Economic and social effects caused by NAFTA in the fisheries of tuna in Baja California Sur, México. Problemas del Desarrollo, Revista Latinoamericana de Economia. Vol. 33(129):43-53. (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACyT)
  18. Beltrán Morales, L.F., García-Rodríguez, F., Borges-Contreras, J. y Ortega-Rubio, A. 2002. Apertura comercial y medio ambiente. Interciencia. Vol. 27(5):259-263. (F.I. 0366)
  19. L.F. Beltrán, A. Ortega-Rubio, M.Lagunas, H. González, M. Soto, M. Acevedo. 2002. Environmental, economic and social effects caused by NAFTA in the fishery food companies of Baja California Sur, México. Sustainable Development. Vol. 10(4):215-217. (Revista nueva en la base de datos del ISI. No se tiene su factor de impacto)
  20. Brito-Castillo, L., E. Alcantara-Razo, and C.A. Salinas-Zavala. 2002. Comentarios y respuestas. Ciencias Marinas. Vol. 28(2):219-221. (F.I. 0.333)
  21. Brito-Castillo, L., A. Leyva-Contreras, A.V. Douglas, and D. Lluch-Belda. 2002. Pacific decadal oscillation and the filled capacity of dams on the rivers of the Gulf of California continental watershed. Atmosfera. Vol. 15(2):121-137. (F.I. 0.281)
  22. Bustillos-Guzmán J., D. López-Cortés, M.E. Mathus, and F. Hernández. Dynamics of pigment degradation by the copepodite stage of Pseudodiaptomus euryhalinus feeding on Tetraselmi suecica. Marine Biology. 140:143-49.(F.I. 1.297)
  23. B.A. Calderón-Limón, J.L. García-Hernández, and E. Troyo-Diéguez. 2002. Technique for oviposition of the pepper weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to obtain massive colonies in the laboratory. Folia Entomologica Mexicana. Vol. 41(2):249-251 (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACyT)
  24. Campa-Córdova A.I., N.Y. Hernández-Saavedra, and F. Ascencio. 2002. Superoxide dismutase as modulator of immune function in american white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C. Vol. 133(4):557-565. (F.I. 1.249)
  25. Campa-Córdova A., N.Y., Hernández-Saavedra, R., De Philippis and F. Ascencio. 2002. Generation of superoxide anion and SOD activity in American white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) haemocytes and muscle as a response to ß-glucan and sulfated polysaccharides. Fish Shellfish Immunol. Vol. 12:353-366. (F.I. 1.618)
  26. R. Campos-Ramos, L.A.P. Carrasco, B.J. McAndrew, and D.J. Penman. 2001. Description of meiotic prophase I and potential sex chromosomes in the tilapias Oreochromis aureus, O. mossambicus and O. niloticus, through a synaptonemal complex analysis. Chromosome Research. Vol. 9, Suplemento 1:127 (F.I. 1.725)
  27. R. Campos-Ramos, S.C. Harvey, J.S. Masabanda, L.A.P. Carrasco, D.K. Griffin, B.J. McAndrew, N.R. Bromage, and D.J. Penman. 2001. Identification of putative sex chromosomes in the blue tilapia, Oreochromis aureus, through synaptonemal complex and FISH analysis. Genetica. Vol. 111:143-153. (F.I. 1.440)
  28. Cancino J., V. Sanchez-Sotomayor and R. Castellanos. 2002. Alternative capture technique for the peninsular pronghorn. Wildlife society bulletin, Vol. 30(1):256-258. (F.I. 0.693)
  29. Carrillo, A.E., Li, C.Y., and Bashan, Y. 2002. Increased acidification in the rhizosphere of cactus seedlings induced by Azospirillum brasilense. Naturwissenschaften. Vol. 89:428-432 (F.I. 1.261)
  30. Castellanos-Vera, A., L. Arriaga, and C. Lopez. 2002. El Vizcaíno biosphere reserve a case study of conservation and development in México. Natural Areas Journal. Vol. 22:331-339. (F.I. 0.452)
  31. Córdova-Murueta, J.H. and García-Carreño, F.L. 2002. Nutritive value of squid and hydrolyzed protein supplement in shrimp feed. Aquaculture. Vol. 210:371-384. (F.I. 1.343)
  32. Cruz P., H. Mejia-Ruiz, R. Pérez-Enriquez, and A.M. Ibarra. 2002. Isolation and characterization of microsatellites in Pacific white shrimp Penaeus (Litopenaeus) vannamei. Molecular Ecology Notes. Vol 2:239-241. (Revista nueva en la base de datos del ISI. No se tiene su factor de impacto)
  33. de Albuquerque Cavalcanti, C., F.L. Garcia-Carreño, and M.A. Navarrete del Toro. 2002. Trypsin and trypsin inhibitors from penaeid shrimp. Journal of Food Biochemistry. Vol. 26(3):233-251. (F.I. 0.547)
  34. de-Bashan, L.E., Bashan, Y., Moreno, M., Lebsky, V.K., and Bustillos, J.J. 2002. Increased pigment and lipid content, lipid variety, and cell and population size of the microalgae Chlorella spp. when co-immobilized in alginate beads with the microalgae-growth-promoting bacterium Azospirillum brasilense. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. Vol. 48:514-521 (F.I. 1.105)
  35. de-Bashan, L.E., Moreno, M., Hernandez, J.-P., and Bashan, Y. 2002. Removal of ammonium and phosphorus ions from syntetic wastewater by the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris coimmobilized in alginate beads with microalgae growth-promoting bacterium Azospirillum brasilense. Water Research. Vol. 36:2941-2948 (F.I. 1.285)
  36. Díaz-Castro, S.C., M. Therrel, D.W. Stahle, and M Cleaveland. 2002. Chihuahua winter-spring rainfall reconstructed from tree-rings 1644-1992. Climate Research. Vol. 22(3):237-244. (F.I. 1.443)
  37. C. Díaz-Paniagua, M. Cuadrado, M.C. Blázquez, and J.A. Mateo. 2002. Reproduction of Chamaeleo chamaeleon under contrasting environmental conditions. Herpetological Journal. Vol. 12(3):99-104. (F.I. 0.717)
  38. Domínguez-Cadena, R., A. Guillén-Trujillo, J.L. León-de la Luz, y B. Murillo-Amador. 2002. Estimación y disponibilidad forrajera de arbustos en Baja California Sur, México. Interciencia. Vol. 28(4):229-233. (F.I. 0.125)
  39. A.V. Fernández Gimenez, F.L. García-Carreño, M.A. Navarrete del Toro, and J.L. Fenucci. 2002. Digestive proteinases of Artemesia longinaris (Decapoda, Penaeidae) and relationship with molting. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B. Vol. 132:593-598. (F.I. 1.015)
  40. Galina-Tessaro, P., L.L. Grismer, B.D. Hollingsworth, and A. Ortega-Rubio. 2002. Distribution and conservation of lizards in the Vizcaíno Biosphere Reserve, Baja California Sur, México. The Southwestern Naturalist. Vol. 47(1):40-55. (F.I. 0.231)
  41. García-Carreño, F.L., Albuquerque-Cavalcanti, C., Navarrete del Toro, M.A., and Zaniboni-Filho, E. 2002. Digestive proteinases of Brycon orbignyanus (Characidae, Teleostei): characteristics and effects of protein quality. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B. Vol. 132:343-352. (F.I. 1.015)
  42. Gómez Villa, H., D. Voltolina, M. Nieves, P. Piña, and J. López Ruíz. 2002. Reduction of copper toxicity for two microalgae using artificial zeolites. J. World Aquaculture Soc. Vol. 33:214-219 (I.F. 0.734)
  43. Gonzalez-Michel, A., B. Murillo-Amador, J.L. García-Hernandez, E. Troyo-Dieguez y E. Villavicencio-Floriani. 2002. Comparación de dos sistemas hidropónicos en la respuesta de tres hortalizas: tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), pepino (Cucumis sativas L.), y lechuga (Lactuca sativa L.). International Journal of Experimental Botany. Vol. 2002:219-225. (F.I. 0.117)
  44. Griffin, D.K., S.C. Harvey, R. Campos-Ramos, L.-J. Ayling, N.R. Bromage, J.S. Masabanda, and D.J. Penman. 2002. Early origins of the X and Y chromosomes: Lessons from tilapia. Cytogenet Genome Res. Vol. 99:157-163. (antes: Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics F.I. 1.271)
  45. Grismer L.L., H. Wong, and P. Galina-T. 2002. Geographic variation and taxonomy of the Sand Snakes, Chilomeniscus (Squamata:Colubridae). Herpetologica. Vol. 58:18-31. (F.I. 0.757)
  46. S.C. Harvey, R. Campos-Ramos, D.D. Kennedy, M.T. Ezaz, N.R. Bromage, D.K. Griffin, and D.J. Penman. 2002. Karyotype evolution in Tilapia: mitotic and meiotic chromosome analysis of Oreochromis karongae and O. niloticus x O. karongae hybrids. Genetica. Vol. 115:169-177. (F.I. 1.440)
  47. S.C. Harvey, R. Campos-Ramos, D.D. Kennedy, J. Masabanda, D.K. Griffin, N.R. Bromage, and D.J. Penman. 2001. Karyotype analysis of Oreochromis karongae, a species with an unusual chromosome complement, and cytogenetic analysis of O. karongae X O. niloticus hybrids. Chromosome Research. Vol. 9(Suplemento 1):37 (F.I. 1.725)
  48. A. Heredia-Tapia, B.O. Arredondo-Vega, E.J. Nuñez-Vázquez, T. Yasumoto, M. Yasuda, and J.L. Ochoa. 2002. Isolation of Prorocentrum lima (Syn. Exuviaella lima) and diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) risk assessment in the Gulf of California, Mexico. Toxicon. Vol. 40:1121-1127. (F.I. 1.445)
  49. Hermes-Lima, M. and T. Zenteno-Savin. 2002. Animal response to drastic changes in oxygen availability and physiological oxidative stress [review article]. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C. Vol. 133(4):537-556 (F.I. 1.249)
  50. Ibarra-Nuñez, G, J.A. García, M.L. Jiménez, and A. Mazariegos. Synonims of Frontinella tibialis (Araneae, Linyphiidae). J. of Arachnol. Vol. 29(3):378-387. (F.I. 0.585)
  51. Jiménez, M.L., J. Llinas. 2002. Revision of ocular anomalies in epigean spider (arachnida:araneae) with note on four new records. Anales del Instituto de Biología, serie Zoología, UNAM (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACyT)
  52. Jiménez, M.L., J. Llinas, and C. Palacios. 2002. Infection rates in Dipetalogaster maximus Mexico. Journal of Medical Entomology. Vol. 40(1):18-21. (F.I. 1.051)
  53. Jiménez, M.L. and C. Palacios. 2002. Life cycle and reproductive and feeding behavior of Dipetalogaster maximus (Uhler) (Reduviidae:Triatominae) under laboratory conditions in Baja California Sur, México. Southwestern Entomol. Vol. 27(1):65-72. (F.I. 0.353)
  54. Jímenez-Vega, F., R.R., Sotelo-Mundo, F., Ascencio, and F., Vargas-Albores. 2002. 1,3 ß-glucan binding protein (BGBP) from the white shrimp Penaeus vannamei, is also a heparin binding protein. Fish Shellfish Immunol. Vol. 13:171-181. (F.I. 1.618)
  55. Kaya, C., Ak, B.E., Higgs, D., and Murillo-Amador, B. 2002. Influence of foliar-applied calcium nitrate on strawberry plants grown under salt-stressed conditions. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. Vol. 42:631-636. (F.I. 0.639)
  56. Larrinaga-Mayoral, J.A., E. Troyo-Diéguez, H. Fujiyama, C. Tinoco-Ojanguren. 2002. Efecto de la salinidad de NaCl en nueve cultivares de aji o chile dulce (Capsicum annuum, L.): (1) Producción de biomasa y crecimiento. Phyton. Vol. 51:1-14. (F.I. 0.117)
  57. Larrinaga-Mayoral, J.A., E. Troyo-Diéguez, H. Fujiyama, C. Tinoco-Ojanguren. 2002. Efecto de la salinidad de NaCl en nueve cultivares de aji o chile dulce (Capsicum annuum, L.): (2) Contenido y distribución de minerales. Phyton. Vol. 51:15-27. (F.I. 0.117)
  58. D. Lemos, F.L. Garcia-Carreño, P. Hernández, and A. Navarrete del Toro. 2002. Ontogenic variation in digestive proteinase activity, RNA and DNA content of larval and postlarval white shrimp Litopenaeus schmitti. Aquaculture. Vol. 214:363-380. (F.I. 1.343)
  59. León de la Luz, J.L., R. Domínguez-Cadena, and A. Medel-Narváez. 2002. Biological characteristics and nutritive value of aborted flowers of the cardon (Pachycereus pringlei, Cactaceae) in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Haseltonia. Vol. 9:9-13. (F.I. 0.174)
  60. León de la Luz J.L., J.J. Perez-Navarro, and R. Domínguez-Cadena. 2002. Two new marina (Leguminosae) from the southern Baja California peninsula, México. Brittonia. Vol. 54(2):72-77. (F.I. 0.156)
  61. López-Martínez, J., Arreguín-Sánchez, F., Morales-Azpeitia, R. y Salinas-Zavala, C. 2002. Stock assessment and potential yield for the rock shrimp, Sicyonia penicillata, fishery of Bahia Kino, Sonora, México. Fisheries Research. Vol. 59(1-2):71-81. (F.I. 0.650)
  62. López-Osuna M, G. Cárdenas, J. Arellano, J. Fernández-Diez, and R. Kretschmer. 2002. Eosinopenia induced by anti-IL-5 antibody, but not Eimeria nieschulzi extract, increases susceptibility to experimental amebic abscess of the liver (EAAL) in gerbils. Arch Med Res. Vol. 33(3):316. (F.I. 0.618)
  63. Luna-González, A., A.N. Maeda-Martínez, J.C. Sainz, and F. Ascencio-Valle. 2002. Comparative susceptibility of veliger larvae of four bivalve mollusks to a Vibrio alginolyticus strain. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. Vol. 49:221-226. (F.I. 1.556)
  64. D.B. Lluch-Cota. 2002. Satellite measured interannual variability of coastal phytoplankton pigment in the tropical and subtropical eastern Pacific. Continental Shelf Research. Vol. 22:803-820. (F.I. 1.011)
  65. Maldonado-Amparo R. and A.M., Ibarra. 2002. Ultrastructural characteristics of spermatogenesis in diploid and triploid catarina scallop (Argopecten ventricosus Sowerby II, 1842). J. Shellfish Res. Vol. 21(1):93-101. (F.I. 0.617)
  66. L.R. Martinez-Cordova, A. Campaña-Torres, and M.A. Porchas-Cornejo. 2002. Promotion and contribution of biota in low water exchange ponds farming blue shrimp Litopenaeus stylirostris (Stimpson). Aquaculture Research. Vol. 33:27-32. (F.I. 0.469)
  67. Martínez-Córdova, L., A. Campaña-Torres y M.A. Porchas-Cornejo. 2002. The effects of variation in feed protein level on the culture of white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone) in low-water exchange experimental ponds. Aquaculture Research. Vol. 33:995-998. (F.I. 0.469)
  68. Martinez-Pantoja, M.A., J. Alcocer, and A.M. Maeda-Martinez. 2002. On the Spinicaudata (Branchiopoda) from Lake Cuitzeo, Michoacán, México: First report of a clam shrimp fishery. Hydrobiologia. Vol. 486:207-213. (F.I. 0.582)
  69. Y. Maya-Delgado, A. López-Cortés, and A. Soeldner. 2002. Cyanobacterial Microbiotic Crusts in Eroded Soils of a Tropical Dry Forest in the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico. Geomicrobiology Journal. Vol. 19:505-518. (F.I. 1.936)
  70. L. Méndez, S.T. Alvarez-Castañeda, B. Acosta, and A.P. Sierra-Beltrán. 2002. Trace metals in tissues of gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) carcasses from the Northern Pacific Mexican Coast. Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 44:217-221. (F.I. 1.101)
  71. L. Méndez, M. Salas-Flores, A. Arreola-Lizarraga, S.T. Alvarez-Castañeda, and B. Acosta. 2002. Heavy Metals in Clams from Guaymas Bay, Mexico. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. Vol. 68:217-223. (F.I. 0.513)
  72. Muhlia-Almazán, A. and F.L. García-Carreño. 2002. Influence of molting and starvation on the synthesis of proteolytic enzymes in the midgut gland of the white shrimp Penaeus vannamei. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B. Vol. 133(3):383-394. (F.I. 1.015)
  73. Murillo-Amador, B., López-Aguilar, R., Kaya, C., Larrinaga-Mayoral, J., and Flores-Hernández, A. 2002. Comparative effectsof NaCl and polyethylene glycol on germination, emergence and seedling growth of cowpea. J. Agronomy and Crop Science. Vol. 188:235-247. (F.I. 0.475)
  74. Murillo-Amador, B., Troyo-Diéguez, E., García-Hernández, J.L., Larrinaga-Mayoral, J.A., Nieto-Garibay, A. y López-Cortés, A. 2002. Efecto de la salinidad en genotipos de chicharo de vaca Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. durante la etapa de plántula. Agrochimica. Vol. 46(1-2):73-87. (F.I. 0.205)
  75. Murillo-Amador, B., E. Troyo-Diéguez, R. López-Aguilar, A. López-Cortés, C.L. Tinoco-Ojanguri, H.G. Jones, and C. Kaya. 2002. Matching physiological traits and ion concentrations associated with salt stress in cowpea genotypes. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research. Vol. 53(11):1243-1255 (F.I. 0.866)
  76. Gopal Murugan, A.M. Maeda-Martínez, H. Obregón-Barboza, and N.Y. Hernández-Saavedra. 2002. Molecular characterization of the tadpole shrimp Triops (Branchiopoda: Notostraca) from the Baja California Peninsula, México: New insights on species diversity and phylogeny of the genus. Hydrobiologia. Vol. 486:101-113. (F.I. 0.582)
  77. Naranjo-Pulido A., H. Romero-Schmidt, L. Mendez-Rodríguez, B. Acosta-Vargas, and A. Ortega-Rubio. 2002. Soil arsenic contamination in the caperegion, B.C.S., México. Journal of Environmental Biology. Vol. 23(4):347-352. (F.I. 0.103)
  78. A. Nieto-Garibay, B. Murillo-Amador, E. Troyo-Diéguez, J.A. Larrinaga-Mayoral y J.L. García-Hernández. 2002. El uso de compostas como alternativa ecológica para la producción sostenible del chile (Capsicum annuum L.) en zonas áridas. Interciencia. Vol. 27(8):417-421. (F.I. 0.366)
  79. Nieves, M., D. Voltolina, A. Medina, P. Piña y J. López Ruíz. 2002. Zeolites and diatom growth. Aquac. Res. Vol. 33:75-79. (F.I. 0.469)
  80. Nolasco-Soria H., D. J. Kushner, and J.L. Ochoa. 2002. Purification and properties of an extracellular halophilic serine-protease from Haloferax mediterranei. Rev. Soc. Quim. Mex. Vol. 46(3):202-211. (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACyT)
  81. H. Obregón-Barboza, A.M. Maeda-Martínez, H. García-Velazco, and H.J. Dumont. 2002. Branchinecta oterosanvicentei n. sp. (Branchiopoda: Anostraca), a new fairy shrimp from the Chihuahuan desert, with a proposal for the conservation of the Branchinectidae of Mexico. Hydrobiologia. Vol. 467:45-56. (F.I. 0.582)
  82. Ocampo, L. and J.M. Ezquerra. 2002. Digestive protease activity in juvenile Farfantepenaeus californiensis as a function of dissolved oxygen and temperature. Aquac. Res. Vol. 33(13):1073-1080. (F.I. 0.469)
  83. Orozco-Medina, C. , Maeda-Martínez, A., and López-Cortés, A. 2002. Effect of aerobic Gram-positive heterotrophic bacteria associated with Artemia franciscana cysts on the survival and development of its larvae. Aquaculture. Vol. 213:15-29. (F.I. 1.343)
  84. Palacios E., I.S. Racotta, H. Heras, Y. Marty, J. Moal, and Jean- Francois Samain. 2001. Relation between lipid and fatty acid composition of eggs and larval survival in white pacific shrimp (Penaeus vannamei, Boone , 1931). Aquaculture International. Vol. 9:531-543. (F.I. 0.522)
  85. Perry, G., M.A. Taddeo, A. Nunomura, X. Zhu, T. Zenteno-Savin, K.L. Drew, S. Shimohama, J. Avila, R.J. Castellani, M.A. Smith. 2002. Comparative biology and pathology of oxidative stress in Alzheimer and other neurodegenerative diseases: beyond damage and response [review article]. 133(4):507-513. (F.I. 1.249)
  86. Porta-Gándara, M.A., E. Rubio-Cerda, and J.L. Fernández-Zayas. 2002. Economic feasibility of passive ambient comfort in Baja California dwellings. Building and Environment. Vol. 37:993-1001. (F.I. 0.330)
  87. Porta-Gándara, M.A., E. Rubio-Cerda y J.L. Fernández-Zayas. 2002. Sistema de desalación solar de agua de mar para riego eficiente en un módulo de cultivo. Ingeniería Hidráulica en México. Vol. 17(2):55-64 (F.I. 0.079)
  88. Racotta I.S., E. Palacios, and L. Mendez. 2002. Metabolic responses to short and long-term exposure to hypoxya in white shrimp (Penaeus vannamei). Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology. Vol. 35(4):269-275. (F.I. 0.895)
  89. Ramírez, J.A., F.L. García-Carreño, O.G. Morales, and A. Sánchez. 2002. Inhibition of modori-associated proteinases by legume seed extracts in surimi production. Journal of Food Science. Vol. 67(2):578-581. (F.I. 1.073)
  90. M.A. Real-Rosas, Lucero-Arce, A., Toyota, M., López-Aguilar, R. y Murillo-Amador, B. 2002. Variedades precoces de brécol para la diversificación agrícola en zonas áridas. Interciencia. Vol. 27(5):247-251 (F.I. 0.366)
  91. E. Rios y S.T. Alvarez-Castañeda. 2002. Mamíferos de la reserva del Valle de Los Cirios, Baja California, México. Acta Zoológica Mexicana (nueva serie). Vol. 86:51:85. (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACyT)
  92. Rodríguez-Alvarado, G., J. Holguín-Peña, N. Ochoa-Álvarez, S.P. Fernández-Pavía and J. A. Geraldo-Verdugo. 2002. Pseudomonas corrugata causing pitch necrosis on tomato plants in Baja California Sur, México. Plant Disease. Vol. 86(5):563. (F.I. 1.023)
  93. Rodríguez-Estrella, R. 2002. A survey of golden eagles in northern México in 1984 and recent records in central and southern Baja California Peninsula. J. Raptor Res. Vol. 36(1):1-9. (F.I. 0.269)
  94. Rojas-Contreras, M., F. Ascencio, and P. Conway. 2002. Purification and characterization of a surface protein from Lactobacillus fermentum 104R that binds to porcine small intestine mucus and gastric mucin. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. Vol. 68:2330-2336. (F.I. 3.389)
  95. Rosas-Alayola, J., A. Hernández-Herrera, F. Galván-Magaña, L.A. Abitia-Cárdenas, and A.F. Muhlia-Melo. 2002. Diet composition of sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) from the southern Gulf of California, Mexico. Fisheries Research. 57(2):185-195. (F.I. 0.444)
  96. Rubio-Cerda, E., M.A. Porta-Gándara, and J.L. Fernández-Zayas. 2002. Thermal performance of the condensing covers in a triangular solar still. Renewable Energy. Vol. 27:301-308. (F.I. 0.175)
  97. E. Rubio, M.A. Porta, J.L. Fernandez y L.E. Manjarrez. 2002. New models for computer assisted solar distillation research Computacion y Sistemas, Num Especial. Vol. 2002:35-41. (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACyT)
  98. Salinas-Zavala C.A., A.V. Douglas, H.F. Díaz. 2002. Interannual variability of NDVI in northwest México. Associated Climatic Mechanism and Ecological Implications. Remote Sensing of Environment. Vol. 82:417-430. (F.I. 1.888)
  99. Sánchez-Saavedra., M.P., and. D. Voltolina. 2002. Effect of photon fluence rates of white and blue-green light on growth efficiency and pigment content of three diatom species in batch cultures. Ciencias Marinas. Vol. 28(3):273-279. (F.I. 0.333)
  100. Saucedo, P., I. Racotta, H. Villarreal, and M. Monteforte. 2002. Seasonal changes in the histological and biochemical profile of the gonad, digestive gland, and muscle of the calafia mother-of-pearl oyster, Pinctada mazatlanica (Hanley, 1856) associated with gametogenesis. Journal of Shellfish Research. Vol. 21(1):127-135. (F.I. 0.617)
  101. Saucedo, P., C. Rodríguez-Jaramillo, and M. Monteforte. 2002. Microscopic anatomy of gonadal tissue and specialized storage cells associated with oogenesis and spermatogenesis in the calafia mother-of-pearl oyster, Pinctada mazatlanica (Bivalvia: Pteriidae) Journal of Shellfish Research. Vol. 21(1):145-155. (F.I. 0.617)
  102. Serrano-Pinto, V. and J. Caraveo-Patiño. 2002. A Benthic mollusk checklist from laguna Cuyutlán, Colima, México. Hidrobiologica. Vol. 12(2): . (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACyT)
  103. Serviere-Zaragoza E., D. Gómez-López and G. Ponce-Díaz. 2002. Gross chemical composition of three common macroalgae and a sea grass on the pacific coast of Baja California, México. Hidrobiologica. Vol. 12(2):113-118. (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACyT)
  104. Servín R., R. Aguilar, J.L. Martínez, E. Troyo-Dieguez, and A. Ortega. Monitoring of resistance to selected insecticides on pepper weevil, Anthonomus eugenii in population from Baja California Sur. Interciencia. Vol. 27(12):691-694 (F.I. 0.366)
  105. Servín R., A. Tejas y O. Lugo. 2002. Morfotipos de Bimisia argentifolii bellows y perring (homoptera: aleyrodidae) asociados a plantas hospedantes de Baja California Sur, México. Folia Entomol. Mex. Vol. 41(3):339-346. (Revista dentro del Indice de Revistas de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica del CONACyT)
  106. Stuart F. Baum, Joseph G. Dubrovsky, and Thomas L. Rost. 2002. Apical organization and maturation of the cortex and vascular cylinder in Arabidopsis thaliana (Brassicaceae) roots. American Journal of Botany. Vol. 89(6):908-920. (F.I. 2.350)
  107. D. Tovar, J. Zambonino., C. Cahu, F.J. Gatesoupe, R. Vázquez-Juárez, and R. Lésel. 2002. Effect of live yeast incorporation in compound diet on digestive enzyme activity in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae. Aquaculture. Vol. 204:113-123. (F.I. 1.343)
  108. Valderrama, L.T., Del Campo, C.M., Rodriguez, C.M., de-Bashan, L.E., and Bashan, Y. 2002. Treatment of recalcitrant wastewater from ethanol and citric acid production using the microalga Chlorella vulgaris and the macrophyte Lemna minuscule. Water Research. Vol. 36:4185-4192 (F.I. 1.285)
  109. M.E. Valdez-Ramirez, A. Donval, and M. Le Pennec. 2002. Ultrastructural and histochemical criteria for determining normality in mature oocytes of the Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas. Journal of Shellfish Research. Vol. 21(2):707-714. (F.I. 0.528)
  110. C.G. Vazquez-Boucard, P. Levy, H.J. Ceccaldi, and C.H. Brogren. 2002. Developmental changes in concentrations of vitellin, vitellogenin, and lipids in hemolymph, hepatopancreas, and ovaries from different ovarian stages of Indian white prawn Fenneropenaeus indicus. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. Vol 281(1-2):63-75 (F.I. 1.419)
  111. P.H.H. Weekers, G. Murugan, J. R. Vanfleteren, D. Belk and H.J. Dummont. 2002. Phylogenetic analysis of anostracans (Branchiopoda : Anostraca) inferred from nuclear 18S ribosomal DNA (18S rDNA) sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. Vol. 25:535-544. (F.I. 3.345)
  112. Zuñiga-Gutierrez G., J. Arroyo-Cabrales, C. Lechuga and A. Ortega-Rubio. 2002. Environmental quantitative assessment of two alternative routes for gas pipeline in Campeche, México. Landscape and Urban Planning. Vol. 59:181-186. (F.I. 0.637)
