CIBNOR: Artículos Publicados en 2001
Revistas con Arbitraje (en Base de Datos del ISI)
Código de Colores: Tutor del Posgrado | Estudiante de Doctorado 1
Estudiante de Maestría 1 | Egresado de Posgrado-CIBNOR 2 Personal del CIBNOR | F.I. = Factor de Impacto de la Revista en la que se publica (ISI-2000) 1 Se toma en cuenta si la publicación fue parte de su trabajo de tesis y/o su status cuando se aceptó la publicación 2 Estudiante egresado el año inmediato anterior de alguno de nuestros Programas de Posgrado |
- Abitia-Cardenas, L.A., A. Muhlia-Melo, V. Cruz Escalona, and F. Galvan-Magaña. 2001. Trophic dynamics and seasonal energetics of striped marlin Tetrapturus audax in the southern Gulf of California, Mexico. Fisheries Research. 1301:1-9. (F.I. 0.444)
- Aburto-Oropeza, O. and Balart, E.F. 2001. Community structure of reef fish in several habitats of a rocky reef in the Gulf of California. Marine Ecology. Vol. 22(4)283-305. (F.I. 0.452)
- Alarcón, F.J., F.L. García-Carreño, and M.A. Navarrete-del-Toro. 2001. Effect of plant protease inhibitors on digestive proteases in two fish species, Lutjanus argentiventris and L. novemfasciatus. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. Vol 0:1-11. (F.I. 1.240)
- Alvarez-Cárdenas, S., I. Guerrero-Cárdenas, S. Díaz, P. Gallina, and S. Gallina. 2001. The variables Physical habitat selection by the desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis weemsi) in Sierra del Mechudo, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Journal of Arid Environments. Vol. 49(2):357-374. (F.I. 0.664)
- Álvarez-Castañeda, S. T. 2001. Peromyscus sejugis. Mammalian species, special publication of the Journal of Mammalogy. Vol. 658:1-3 (F.I. 1.352)
- Álvarez-Castañeda, S. T., Ríos, E., and Gutiérrez-Ramos, A. 2001. Noteworthy record of little pocket mouse (Heteromyidae: Perognathus longimembris) on the Baja California Peninsula. Southwestern Naturalist. Vol. 46:243-245 (F.I. 0.231)
- Alvarez-González, C.A. , Civera-Cerecedo, R., Ortiz-Galindo, J.L., Dumas, S., Moreno-Legorreta, M., and Grayeb-Del Alamo, T. 2001. Effect of dietary protein level on growth and body composition of juvenile spotted sand bass Paralabrax maculatofasciatus fed practical diets. Aquaculture. Vol. 194(1-2):51-159. (F.I. 1.343)
- C.A. Alvarez-González, Ortiz-Galindo, J.L., Dumas, S., Martínez-Díaz, S.F., Hernández-Ceballos, D.E., Grayeb-Del Alamo, T., Moreno-Legorreta, M., Peña-Martínez, R., and Civera-Cerecedo, R. 2001. Effect of stocking density on the growth and survival of spotted sand bass Paralabrax maculatofasciatus larvae in a closed recirculating system. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. Vol. 2(1):130-137. (F.I. 0.734)
- L. Alvarez-Lajonchere, Guerrero-Tortolero, D., and Perez-Urbiola, J.C. 2001. Validation of an ovarian biopsy method in a sea bass, Centropomus medius Günther. Aquaculture Research. Vol. 32:379-384. (F.I. 0.469)
- Bacilio-Jiménez, M., S. Aguilar-Flores, M.V. del Valle, A. Pérez, A. Zepeda, and E. Zenteno. 2001. Endophytic bacteria in rice seeds inhibit early colonization of roots by Azospirillum brasilense. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. Vol. 33:167-172. (F.I. 1.747)
- Blanco, G., Rodríguez-Estrella, R., Merino, S., and Bertellotti, M. 2001. Effects of spatial and host variables on hematozoa in white-crowned sparrows wintering in Baja California. J. Wildlife Diseases. Vol 37:786-790. (F.I. 0.898)
- Blázquez, M.C. and Rodríguez-Estrella, R. 2001. Winter refuge characteristics of Spiny-tailed iguanas, Ctenosaura hemilopha, in Baja California Sur, Mexico. J. Arid Environments. Vol. 49:593-599 (F.I. 0.664)
- Buentello, J. A. and D. M. Gatlin III. 2001. Effects of elevated dietary arginine on resistance of channel catfish to Edwardsiella ictaluri exposure. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health. Vol. 13:194-201. (F.I. 1.030)
- Buentello, J. A. and D. M. Gatlin III. 2001. Plasma citrulline and arginine kinetics in juvenile channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, given oral gabaculine. Journal of Fish Biology. Vol. 24:105-112. (F.I. 1.140)
- Bustillos-Guzmán J., D. López-Cortés, M.E. Mathus and F. Fernández. 2001. Dynamics of pigment degradation by the copepodite stage of Pseudodiaptomus euryhalinus feeding on Tetraselmi suecica. Marine Biology. Vol. 140:143-149. (F.I. 1.297)
- Castellanos, A., F. Salinas y Ortega-Rubio, A. 2001. Breeding waterbird inventory and conservation at Ojo de Liebre and Guerrero Negro lagoons, Baja California Sur, México. Ciencias Marinas. Vol. 27(3):351-373. (F.I. 0.333)
- Córdova-Murueta, J.H. and F.L. García-Carreño. 2001. The effect on growth and protein digestibility of shrimp Penaeus stylirrostris fed with feeds supplemented with squid (Dosidicus gigas) Meal Dried by two different processes. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology. Vol. 10(3):35-48. (F.I. 0.0)
- Cortés-Calva, P. y S. T. Álvarez-Castañeda. 2001. Peromyscus dickeyi. Mammalian species, special publication Journal of Mammalogy. Vol. 659:1-2. (F.I. 1.352)
- Cortés-Calva, P., E. Yensen y S. T. Álvarez-Castañeda. 2001. Neotoma martinensis. Mammalian species, special publication Journal of Mammalogy. Vol. 657:1-3. . (F.I. 1.352)
- Cortés-Calva, P., S. T. Álvarez-Castañeda y E. Yensen. 2001. Neotoma anthonyi. Mammalian species, special publication, Journal of Mammalogy. Vol. 663:1-3. (F.I. 1.352)
- Diaz, S.C., R. Touchan, and T.W. Swetnam. 2001. A tree-ring reconstruction of past precipitation for Baja California Sur, Mexico. International Journal of Climatology. Vol. 21:1007-1019. (F.I. 1.492)
- Doyle, R.W., Perez-Enriquez, R., Takagi, M., and Taniguchi, N. 2001. Selective recovery of founder genetic diversity in aquacultural broodstocks and captive endangered fish populations. Genetica. Vol. 111:291-304. (F.I. 1.440)
- Dubrovsky, J.G., T.L. Rost, A. Colón-Carmona, and P. Doerner. 2001. Early primordium morphogenesis during lateral root initiation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Planta. Vol. 214:30-36. (F.I. 3.199)
- Fernández-Gimenez, A.V., F.L. García-Carreño, M.A. Navarrete-del-Toro, and J.L. Fenucci. 2001. Digestive proteinases of red shrimp Pleoticus muelleri (Decapoda, Penaeoidea): partial characterization and relationship with molting. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B. Vol 130:331-338. (F.I. 1.015)
- Flores-Hernandez, A., Murillo-Amador, B., Garcia-Hernandez, J.L. y Fraga-Palomino H.C. 2001. Concentración de prolina en brotes de cultivares de nopal (Opuntia megacantha) sometidos a estrés por calor. PHYTON, International Journal of Experimental Botany. Vol. 2001:15-24. (F.I. 0.117)
- García-Hernández J.L., H. Nolasco, E. Troyo-Diéguez, H.G. Jones, and A. Ortega-Rubio. 2001. The effects of selected insecticides on the superoxide dismutase activity in hot pepper plants (Capsicum annuum L. cv. Ancho San Luis). PHYTON Int J Exp Bot. Vol 2001:67-74. (F.I. 0.117)
- García-Hernández, J.L., E. Troyo-Diéguez, B. Murillo-Amador, A. Flores-Hernández y A. González-Michel. 2001. Efecto de algunos insecticidas y un promotor de crecimiento sobre variables fisiológicas y el rendimiento de tomate Lycopersicon esculentum L. cv. Río Grande. Agrochimica. Vol. 45:189-198 (F.I. 0.205)
- Garcia-Pichel, F., López-Cortés, A., and Nuebel, U. 2001. Phylogenetic and Morphological Diversity of Cyanobacteria in Soil Desert Crusts from the Colorado Plateau. Applied Environ. Microbiol. Vol. 67:1902-1910. (F.I. 3.389)
- Gardner, S.C., Grue, C.E., Major III, W.W., and Conquest, L.L. 2001. Aquatic invertebrate communities associated with purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), cattail (Typha latifolia), and bulrush (Scirpus acutus) in central Washington, USA. Wetlands Journal. Vol. 21(4):593-601. (F.I. 0.993)
- Gómez V. and M.A. Porta. 2001 Local wind patterns for modeling renewable energy systems by means of cluster analysis techniques. Renewable Energy. Vol 25(2):171-182. (F.I. 0.175)
- Guzman-Murillo, M.A. and Ascencio, F. 2001. Enzyme-linked, biotin-streptavidin bacterial-adhesion assay to study Helicobacter pylori lectin-like interactions to cultured cells. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. Vol. 11:35-39. (F.I. 1.083)
- Guzman-Murillo, M.A., E. Ruiz-Bustos, B. Ho, and F. Ascencio. 2001. Involvement of the heparan sulfate-binding proteins of Helicobacter pylori in its adherence to HeLa S3 and Kato III cell lines. J. Med. Microbiol. Vol. 50:320-329. (F.I. 1.625)
- Hafner, J., Riddle, B.R., and Álvarez-Castañeda, S.T. 2001. Evolutionary relationships of white-footed mice (Peromyscus) on islands in the Sea of Cortéz, Mexico. Journal of Mammalogy. 775-790. (F.I. 1.352)
- Hernández, C., D. Voltolina, P. Rojas y M. Nieves. 2001. Test of quality of shrimp postlarvae in commercial hatcheries: a case study. Hidrobiológica. Vol. 11(1):69-74 (revista indexada en listado de Publicaciones Científicas del CONACYT)
- Hernández-Saavedra N.Y. and Romero-Geraldo, R. 2001. Cloning and sequencing the genomic encoding region of Copper-zinc superoxide dismutase enzyme from several marine strains of the genus Debaryomyces (Lodder & Kreger-van Rij) genus. Yeast. Vol. 18(13):1227-38 (F.I. 2.825)
- Hernández-Carmona G., Robledo, D., and Serviere-Zaragoza, E. 2001. Effect of nutrient availability on Macrocystis pyrifera recruitment and survival near its Southern limit off Baja California. Botánica Marina. Vol. 44:221-229. (F.I. 0.744)
- Holguin, G., Vazquez, P., and Bashan, Y. 2001. The role of sediment microorganisms in the productivity, conservation, and rehabilitation of the mangrove ecosystems: an overview. Biology and Fertility of Soils. Vol. 33:265-278. (F.I. 1.307)
- Holguin, G., and Glick B.R. 2001. Expression of the ACC deaminase gene from Enterobacter cloacae UW4 in Azospirillum brasilense. Microbial Ecology. Vol. 41:281-288. (F.I. 2.703)
- Holroyd, G., Rodríguez-Estrella, R., and Sheffield, S.R. 2001. Conservation of the Burrowing Owl in Western North America: Issues, Challenges, and Recommendations. J. Raptor Research. Vol. 35:399-407 (F.I. 0.269)
- Ibarra-Núñez, G., J.A. García, M.L. Jiménez, and A. Mazariégos. 2001. Synonyms of Frontinella tibialis (Araneae, Linyphiidae). The Journal of Arachnology. Vol. 29:378-387. (F.I. 0.585)
- Jimenez-Balderas, F.J., Garcia-Rubi, D., Perez-Hinojosa, S., Arellano, J., Yanez, P., Sanchez, M.L., Camargo-Coronel, A., and Zonana-Nacach, A. 2001. Two-dimensional echo Doppler findings in juvenile and adult onset ankylosing spondylitis with long-term disease. Angiology. Vol. 52(8):543-548. (F.I. 0.628)
- Leal-Gaxiola, A., López-Martínez, J., Chávez, E.A., Hernández-Vázquez, S. y Méndez-Tenorio, F. 2001. Interannual variability of the reproductive period of the brown shrimp Farfantepenaeus californiensis (Holmes 1900). Crustaceana. Vol. 74(9):839-851. (F.I. 0.455)
- V.K. Lebsky, L.E. Gonzalez-Bashan, and Y. Bashan. 2001. Ultrastructure of interaction in alginate beads between the microalga Chlorella vulgaris with its natural associative bacterium Phyllobacterium myrsinacearum and with the plant growth-promoting bacterium Azospirillum brasilense. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. Vol. 47(1):1-8. (F.I. 1.105)
- Lechuga-Devéze, C.H., A. Reyes-Salinas, and M.L. Morquecho-Escamilla. 2001. Anoxia in a coastal bay: a case study of a seasonal event. Revista de Biología Tropical. Vol. 49(2):525-534. (F.I. 0.112)
- Leyva-Valencia, I., Maeda-Martínez, A.N., Sicard, M.T., Roldán, L., and Robles-Mungaray, M. 2001. Halotolerance, upper thermotolerance, and optimum temperature for growth of the penshell Atrina maura (Sowerby 1835). J. Shellfish Res. Vol. 20(1):49-54. (F.I. 0.617)
- López-Cortés, A. , García-Pichel, F., Nübel, U., and Vázquez-Juárez, R. 2001. Cyanobacterial diversity in extreme environments in Baja California, Mexico: Polyphasic Study. International Microbiology. Vol. 4:227-236 (F.I. 1.868*)
- Lora-Vilchis, M. C., N. Doktor. 2001. Effect of seven algal diets for spat of the pacific scallop Argopecten ventricosus. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. Vol. 32(2):228-235. (F.I. 0.734)
- Llinas-Gutierrez, J. 2001. Propagacion de la tortolita rojiza. Columbina talpacoti (Aves: Columbidae), en Baja California Sur. An. Inst. Biol. UNAM. Ser. Zool. Vol. 72(1):163-166. (revista indexada en listado de CONACYT)
- Lluch-Belda, D., Laurs, M.M., Lluch-Cota, D., and Lluch-Cota, S.E. 2001. Long term trends of interannual variability in the California Current System. CalCOFI. Vol. 42:129-144 (F.I. 0.351)
- Lluch-Cota, D.B., W.S. Wooster, and S.R. Hare. 2001. Sea surface temperature variability in coastal areas of the Northeastern Pacific related to the El Nino-Southern Oscillation and Pacific Decadal Oscillation. Geophysical Research Letters. Vol. 28(10):2029-2032. (F.I. 2.719)
- Maldonado, R., A.M. Ibarra, J.L. Ramírez, S. Avila, J.E. Vázquez, and L.M. Badillo. 2001. Induction of Triploidy in Pacific Red Abalone (Haliotis rufescens). Journal of Shellfish Research. Vol. 20(3):1071-1075. (F.I. 0.617)
- Méndez, L., I.S. Racotta, B. Acosta, and C. Rodríguez-Jaramillo. 2001. Mineral concentration in tissues during ovarian development of the white shrimp Penaeus vannamei (Decapoda: Penaeidae). Marine Biology. Vol. 138:687-692. (F.I. 1.297)
- Merino-Contreras, M.L., Guzman-Murillo, M.A., Ruiz-Bustos, E., Romero, M.J., Cadena-Roa, M.A., and Ascencio, F. 2001. Mucosal immune response of spotted sand bass (Paralabrax maculatofasciatus) orally immunized with an extracellular lectin of Aeromonas veronii. Fish Shellfish Immun. Vol. 11:115-126. (F.I. 1.618)
- Morales-Bojórquez, E., J. López-Martínez y S. Hernández-Vázquez. 2001. Modelo dinámico de captura y esfuerzo para el camarón café Farfantepenaeus californiensis (Holmes) del Golfo de California, México. Ciencias Marinas. Vol. 27(1):105-124. (F.I. 0.333)
- Murillo-Amador, B., Cortés-Avila, H.A., Troyo-Diéguez, E., Nieto-Garibay, A., and Jones, H.G. 2001. Effects of NaCl salinity on growth and production of young cladodes of Opuntia ficus-indica. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science. Vol. 187(4):269-279 (F.I. 0.475)
- Murillo-Amador, B., Escobar-Hernández, A., Fraga-Mancillas, H. y Pargas-Lara, R. 2001. Rendimiento de grano y forraje de lineas de triticale y centeno en Baja California Sur, México. FITOTECNICA MEXICANA. Vol. 24(2):145-153. (revista indexada en listado de CONACYT)
- B. Murillo-Amador, E. Troyo-Diéguez, A. López-Cortés, H.G. Jones, F. Ayala-Chairez and C.L. Tinoco-Ojanguren. 2001. Salt tolerance of cowpea genotypes in the emergence stage. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. Vol. 41:81-88. (F.I. 0.639)
- Nevárez-Martínez, M.O., Lluch-Belda, D., Cisneros-Mata, M.A., Santos-Molina, J.P., Martinez-Zavala, M.A., and Lluch-Cota, S.E. 2001. Distribution and abundance of the Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) in the Gulf of California and their relation with the environment. Progress in Oceanography. Vol. 49(4):565-580 (F.I. 1.742)
- Nieto-Garibay, A., Murillo-Amador, B.y Troyo-Dieguez E. 2001. Evaluacion de variables ecofisiológicas en plantas de ají (Capsicum frutescens) bajo tratamientos de composta y fertilizante químico. PHYTON, International Journal of Experimental Botany. Vol. 2001:25-34 . (F.I. 0.117)
- Nuñez, V.J., D. Voltolina, M. Nieves, P. Piña, A. Medina y M. Guerrero. 2001. Nitrogen budget in Scenedesmus obliquus cultures with artificial wastewater. Bioresource Technol. Vol. 78:161-164. (F.I. 0.700)
- Obregón-Barboza, H., A.M. Maeda-Martínez, and G. Murugan. 2001. Reproduction, molting, and growth of two Mexican uniparental forms of the tadpole shrimp Triops (Branchiopoda: Notostraca), under a recirculating culture system. Hydrobiologia. Vol. 462:173-184. (F.I 0.582)
- Ortega- Morales, O. B., López-Cortés, A., Hernandez-Duque, G., Crassous, P., and Guezennec, J. 2001. Extracellular Polymers Constituens of Microbial Communities Colonising Limestone Surfaces. Methods in Enzymology. Vol. 336:331-339. (F.I. 2.340)
- Ortega-Rubio A., D. Lluch-Cota and A. Castellanos-Vera. 2001. Discrepancies in an Environmentally Controversial Project: Local versus National and International Perceptions. AMBIO. Vol. 30(1):64-65. (F.I. 1.142)
- Ortega-Rubio, A., D. Lluch-Cota, and A. Castellanos. 2001. Salt production at San Ignacio lagoon: a sustainable development project?. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. Vol. 8:155-165. (F.I. 0.423)
- Perez-Enriquez, R., M. Takemura, K. Tabata and N. Taniguchi. 2001. Genetic divesity of red sea bream (Pagrus major) in Western Japan, in relation to stock enhancement. Fisheries Science. Vol. 67(1):71-78. (F.I. 0.495)
- Perez-Enriquez, R., A. Vega, S. Avila, and J.L. Sandoval. 2001. Population genetics of red lobster (Panilirus interruptus) along the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico. Mar. Freshwater Res. 52:1541-1549. (F.I. 0.662)
- Pérez-Urbiola, J.C. and S.F. Martínez-Díaz. 2001. Stephanostomum sp. (Trematoda: Acanthocolpidae), the cause of "pimientilla" disease in catarina scallop Argopecten venticosus (circularis) (Sowerby II, 1842) in Baja California Sur, México. Journal of Shellfish Research. Vol. 20(1):107-109 . (F.I. 0.617)
- Porta-Gándara, M.A., E. Rubio, J.L. Fernández, and M. Gómez. 2001. Effect of passive techniques on interior temperature in small houses in the dry, hot climate of northwestern México. Renewable Energy. Vol. 26(1):121-135. (F.I. 0.175)
- Ramírez-Orozco, M., Hernández-Saavedra N.Y., and Ochoa J.L. 2001. Debaryomyces hansenii growth in nonsterile seawater ClO2-peptone-containing medium. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. Vol. 74(7):676-679. (F.I. 1.105).
- Rodríguez-Alvarado, G., Fernández-Pavía, S., and Landa-Hernández, L. 2001. First report of Pythium aphanidermatum causing crown and stem rot on Opuntia ficus-indica. Plant Disease. Vol. 85(2):321. (F.I. 1.023)
- Rodríguez-Alvarado G., G. Kurath and J.A. Dodds. 2001. Cross protection between and within subgroups I and II of cucumber mosaic virus isolates from pepper. Agrociencia. Vol. 35:563-573 (revista indexada en listado de Publicaciones Científicas del CONACYT)
- Rodríguez-Alvarado, G., Fernández-Pavía, S., Geraldo-Verdugo, J. A., and Landa-Hernández, L. 2001. Pythium aphanidermatum causing collar rot on papaya in Baja California Sur, México. Plant Disease. Vol. 85(4):444. (F.I. 1.023)
- Rodríguez-Jaramillo, C., Maeda-Martínez, A.N., Valdez, M.E., Reynoso-Granados, T., Monsalvo-Spencer, P., Prado-Ancona, D., Cardoza-Velasco, F., Robles-Mungaray, M., and Sicard, M.T. 2001. The effect of temperature on the reproductive maturity of the penshell Atrina maura (Sowerby 1835). J. Shellfish Res. Vol. 20(1):39-47. (F.I. 0.617)
- Rodríguez-Romero J., L.A. Abitia-Cárdenas, J.C. Perez-Urbiola, R. Hinohuye-Rivera, and M.A. Pérez-Urbiola. 2001. First report of spinal column malformation in the creolefish Paranthias colonus, hildebrand (Osteichtyes: Serranidae). Revista Biologia Tropical. 49-4. (F.I. 0.112)
- A. Rojas, Holguin, G., Glick, B.R., and Bashan, Y.. 2001. Synergism between Phyllobacterium sp. (N2-fixer) and Bacillus licheniformis (P-solubilizer), both from a semiarid mangrove rhizosphere. FEMS Microbioloby Ecology. 35:181-187. (F.I. 2.439)
- Ruiz-Bustos E., Ochoa, J.L., Wadstrom T. and Ascencio, F.J. 2001. Isolation and Characterization of putative adhesins from Helicobacter pilori with affinity for heparan sulfate proteoglycan. J. Med. Microbiol. 50(3):215-222. (F.I. 1.625)
- Ruiz-Verdugo, C.A., Allen S.K., Ibarra A.M. 2001. Family differences in success of triploid induction and effects of triploidy on fecundity of catarina scallop (Argopecten ventricosus). Aquaculture. 201:19-33. (F.I. 1.343)
- Ruiz-Verdugo, C.A., Racotta, I.S. and Ibarra, A.M. 2001. Comparative biochemical composition in gonad and adductor muscle of triploid and diploid catarina scallop (Argopecten ventricosus Sowerby II, 1842). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 259(2):155-170. (F.I. 1.419)
- Saucedo, P., Racotta, I.S., Bervera, H., Villarreal, H., and Monteforte, M. 2001. Differential gonadal development of grafted and ungrafted specimens of the Calafia mother-of-pearl oyster, Pinctada mazatlanica (Bivalvia: Pteriidae). Invertebr. Reprod. Dev. Vol. 39(3):183-193. (F.I. 0.733)
- Saucedo, P., Rodriguez-Jaramillo, C., Aldana-Aviles, C., Monsalvo-Spencer, P., Reynoso-Granados, T., Villarreal, H., and Monteforte, M. 2001. Gonadic conditioning of the calafia mother-of-pearl oyster, Pinctada mazatlanica (Hanley, 1856), under two temperature regimes. Aquaculture. Vol. 195:103-119. (F.I. 1.343)
- Scrosati, R. 2001. Demography of genets of clonal red seaweeds: current limitations and proposed solutions using genetic markers from experimental populations. Hidrobiológica 11 (2): 149-155 (revista indexada en listado de Publicaciones Científicas del CONACYT)
- Scrosati, R. 2001. Interannual variation of the abundance of Mazzaella cornucopiae (Rhodophyta, Gigartinales) from Pacific Canada in relation to changes in abiotic variables. Journal of Applied Phycology. Vol. 13:457-460 (F.I. 0.629)
- Scrosati, R. 2001. Population dynamics of Caulerpa sertularioides (Chlorophyta, Bryopsidales) from Baja California, Mexico, during El Niño and La Niña years. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Vol. 81:721-726 (F.I. 0.702)
- Serviere-Zaragoza, E., A. Mazariegos-Villareal, G. Ponce-Díaz, and S. Montes-Magallón. 2001. Growth of juvenile abalone, Haliotis fulgens Philippi, fed different diets. Journal of Shellfish Research. Vol. 20(2):. (F.I. 0.617)
- Servín-Villegas, R., Troyo-Diéguez, E., and Martínez-Carrillo, J.L. 2001. Wild hosts of Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring in semiarid northwest Mexico. Southwestern Entomologist. Vol. 26(3):239-244 (F.I. 0.353)
- M. Stoffels, T. Castellanos, A. Hartmann. 2001. Design and Aplication of New 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide Probes for the Azospirillum-Skermanella-Rhodocista-Cluster. Syst. Appl. Microbiol. Vol. 24:83-97. (F.I. 2.060)
- Toledo, G., Rojas, A., and Bashan, Y. 2001. Monitoring of black mangrove restoration with nursery-reared seedlings on an arid coastal lagoon. Hydrobiologia. Vol. 444:101-109. (F.I. 0.582)
- Zarain-Herzberg, M. and Ascencio, F. 2001. Taura Syndrome in México: Follow up Study in Shrimp Farms of Sinaloa. Aquaculture. 193(1-2):1-9. (F.I. 1.343)
* Factor de Impacto de la Revista para 2005